Foundations of AI

Artificial Intelligence is like the brainpower of machines. Imagine giving computers the ability to think and learn just like humans do. AI enables machines to understand, reason, and make decisions, similar to how our brains work. It is about creating smart machines that can perform tasks without explicit programming.

The section below introduces you to the fundamental terms related to AI:

Basic Concepts and Terminology

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI): Technology that enables machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as problem-solving, learning, and decision-making.

2. Machine Learning: A subset of AI that allows machines to learn from data and improve performance without being explicitly programmed.

3. Algorithm: A step-by-step procedure or set of rules a computer follows to solve a problem or perform a task.

4. Data: Information used by machines to learn and make decisions. It can include text, numbers, images, or any other type of information.

5. Model: A representation of a system or process AI algorithms use to make predictions or decisions based on input data.

6. Training Data: Data used to train machine learning models. It consists of examples or instances with known outcomes, which the model uses to learn patterns and make predictions.

7. Prediction: An estimate or guess a machine learning model makes about an unknown outcome based on input data.

8. Feature: An individual measurable property or characteristic of a data point used by machine learning models to make predictions.

9. Supervised Learning: A type of machine learning where models are trained on labelled data, meaning each example is associated with a known outcome or label.

10. Unsupervised Learning: A type of machine learning where models are trained on unlabelled data, meaning there are no predefined outcomes or labels for the examples.

11. Reinforcement Learning: A type of machine learning where models learn to make decisions by interacting with an environment and receiving feedback through rewards or penalties.

12. Neural Network: A machine learning model inspired by the structure and function of the human brain, consisting of interconnected nodes organized in layers.

13. Deep Learning: A subset of machine learning that uses deep neural networks with multiple layers to learn from data and make complex predictions or decisions.

14. Training: The process of adjusting a machine learning model’s parameters using training data to improve performance.

15. Evaluation: The process of assessing a machine learning model’s performance using separate test data to measure its accuracy, precision, recall, or other metrics.

Types of AI

Artificial Intelligence can be broadly categorized into two main types: Narrow AI (Weak AI) and General AI (Strong AI), each serving different purposes and exhibiting distinct characteristics.

1. Narrow AI (Weak AI):

Definition: Narrow AI is designed and trained for a specific or narrow range of tasks. It excels in performing predefined functions but cannot transfer its knowledge to tasks outside its domain.

Example: Virtual assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa fall under narrow AI. They are proficient in understanding and responding to user commands but are limited to specific tasks such as setting reminders, providing weather updates, or answering questions.


  • Task-Specific: Narrow AI is created to excel in a particular task or set of tasks.
  • Limited Scope: It operates within the boundaries of its predefined capabilities and does not possess general knowledge.
  • Focused Expertise: The AI’s proficiency is often high in its specific domain but lacks versatility.

2. General AI (Strong AI):

Definition: General AI, or Strong AI, refers to an artificial intelligence system that can understand, learn, and apply knowledge across various tasks—mimicking human intelligence.

Example: While we do not currently have true General AI, it would hypothetically be a machine capable of performing any intellectual task that a human can. This includes reasoning, problem-solving, understanding natural language, and more.


  • Versatility: General AI can adapt to and perform various tasks without requiring specialized programming.
  • Learning Ability: It can learn from experiences and apply that knowledge to different situations.
  • Human-Like Intelligence: General AI aims to replicate human cognitive abilities across a broad spectrum of activities.

While Narrow AI is prevalent daily, General AI remains an aspirational goal for the future. Creating machines with human-like intelligence across diverse domains poses significant challenges. Researchers continue to explore ways to enhance AI’s adaptability, learning capacity, and overall cognitive abilities to move closer to achieving General AI.

Working of AI

Artificial Intelligence works by learning from data and making decisions based on that knowledge. Let us break down the process into a few key steps:

1. Data Collection:

   – AI systems start by gathering large amounts of data. This data can come from various sources, such as text, images, or even sensor readings from the environment.

   – For example, if we teach an AI to recognize dogs, we would provide thousands of images of different dogs.

2. Data Preprocessing:

   – The collected data must often be cleaned and organized before the AI can use it effectively. This step involves removing irrelevant information, correcting errors, and standardizing the format.

   – In our dog example, this could mean resizing images to a consistent resolution or ensuring that all images have the same background.

3. Training the Model:

   – Machine Learning, a crucial aspect of AI, involves training a model using the prepared data. The model is like a virtual brain learning patterns and associations from the examples.

   – Using our dog recognition example, the model learns to identify common features like ears, tails, and fur patterns associated with a dog.

4. Testing and Validation:

   – After training, the model is tested on new, unseen data to ensure it generalizes well. This step helps identify any overfitting (memorizing the training data but not understanding the concept) or underfitting (not learning enough) issues.

   – In the dog recognition scenario, we would use a set of images not seen during training to see how well the model identifies dogs.

5. Iterative Improvement:

   – AI is all about continuous improvement. If the model performs poorly during testing, it is adjusted and retrained with more data until satisfactory results are achieved.

   – Our dog recognition AI might involve adding more diverse images of different dog breeds to improve its accuracy.

6. Deployment:

   – Once the model performs well, it is ready for real-world use. It can now analyse new, unseen data and provide insights, make predictions, or take actions without explicit programming.

   – In the dog recognition example, the AI model could be used in a smartphone app to identify dog breeds from pictures taken by users.

Challenges and Benefits of AI

While AI brings many benefits, there are also challenges to consider. Some worry about job loss due to automation, while others are concerned about privacy and security. However, AI has the potential to solve complex problems, improve efficiency, and enhance our daily lives.